2025 Season
Information + Registration
Welcome to the 2025 East Forsyth Feeder Football 6th and 7th grade teams!!
If you have any questions during this registration process you may email us and let us know the best way to contact you. Please read through everything on this page before registering your player. It’s a LOT of information but we like to be upfront on what to expect. We’re happy to have your student athlete join the team!
Parent Info Meeting
Wednesday February 26, 2025 6PM | Little Mill Middle School Cafeteria

Key Dates this Season
Spring Training
6-8PM at East Forsyth High School.
Monday – Thursday for two weeks.
Fittings the first few days.
Possible Spring Jamboree Games.
Heat Acclimation Week
Mandatory first week in Player Pack and Helmets Only.
Regular Season Practices start the following week.
First Regular Season Game
GMSAA publishes the schedules in August.
Time and location TBD.
Game + Practice Schedule
The complete schedule is kept on TeamSnap including games, practices, and other dates as they are made available.
Practice Schedule
Practices are 6:00 – 7:45PM on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at the East Forsyth High School practice field. Always park near the school and enter the gate closest to the school. On some dates, practice may be moved to the EFHS stadium. We do not meet during Fall Break for practice. On one or a few occasions throughout the season, film-review may be substituted for a traditional practice due to weather or scheduling conflicts at the fields. Also, there may be some optional Summer conditioning and training dates available for those wanting to participate to better prepare for the season. We will share these dates in Team Snap when available.
Game Schedule
Games are on Saturdays August to late October or early November. Expect 7 – 9 regular season games and playoffs are on Saturdays in November. Typically we have 3 – 5 regular season home games (at EFHS Stadium) and away games are usually within a 25-35 minute drive. Expect games every Saturday except the second weekend of Forsyth County Fall Break. If you need help getting your player to or from a game, let Team Managers or a Coach know and they can help make arrangements.
Professional team photos will be in late August or early September. No purchase is required for these, but packages are available directly through the photographer after you view the gallery. The end of season party is typically in early December on a weeknight. East Forsyth High School does a youth night during a Friday Varsity game (usually in September) and we encourage the Feeder teams to show up take part in that. There may be additional optional events for team building… such as a kick-off party or spaghetti dinner, etc.

Player Attire
Let’s get our players suited up for another great season!
✓ Fittings are the first few days of Spring Training. Parents must attend long enough to sign-off on sizing choices.
✓ Player Pack, Socks, and Custom Jersey for each player to keep
✓ Use of team equipment throughout the season including helmet and pads, game day pants and belt, and a practice jersey.
✓ Each Player provides their own: cleats, mouthguard, chin strap, girdle, knee pads, and practice pants. The team has bag of “loaner items” should you need help with practice pants, chin strap, etc.
Spirit Wear Shop
We will open a Spirit Wear shop at least once during the season for family members and players to be able to purchase East Football attire to wear to games, etc. The Player Pack items will also be available in the store should a player wish to order an additional t-shirt or pair of shorts.

transparency with team finances
Players Fees Breakdown
Transparency is key to this organization, so here is a breakdown of what is spent on average for each player. EFHS Feeder Football is a 501c3 non profit organization run by volunteer coaches and administrators. These numbers come directly from previous financial reports.
Administrative expenses account for around 9% of the budget and included required insurance, background checks, GMSAA league fees, state filing fees, and merchant fees.
Each player will receive a team roster hoodie as a player gift at the team season wrap party that includes dinner and entertainment for each player. This is 8.9% of our budget.
For each player, 28% is spent on uniform items and 25% on helmets and pads (including required helmet reconditioning).
Game day staff includes required custodians, an EFHS coach, trainer/medic, film operator, as well as GMSAA officials. That can run upwards of $1300+ per double header home game to give you an idea of what we are dealing with. We rely on parent volunteers from each family to run concessions and ticket sales that in turn help us offset these game-day costs.
As you can see, we run a “tight ship” and rely on fundraising, donations, and sponsorship income as well to keep costs low for each family!
Volunteer Buy-Out Option
The EFHS Feeder Football teams rely on parent volunteers to help make our season a success. For each player’s family, this includes 3-4 volunteer shifts at minimum (about 1 hour each) during home games throughout the season. Sign ups for volunteer slots are online and in advance of games once schedules are published. When possible, 6th grade parents may volunteer for 7th grade games and vice versa… so that you don’t miss the game.
NEW for 2025!! If you are unable to volunteer, you may use the “Buy Out Option” so that the team may pay someone to take your shifts.
The “Buy Out Option” has already been added to Players Fees (+$60) for 2025. If you plan to volunteer, please use the code VOL at checkout so that the $60 is removed. Not sure? You’re welcome to keep the fees in there and we will refund you the $60 at the end of the season if you end up volunteering 3-4 shifts during home games.
Regular Price with Volunteer Buy-Out
For registrations March 16 – June 10, 2025.
Payment Plans Available
Custom Jersey
Player Pack
Volunteer Buy-Out already included
Early Bird with Volunteer Buy-Out
Register with $50 down before March 15 at 10PM EST, 2025 to lock in this price.
Payment Plans Available
Custom Jersey
Player Pack
Volunteer Buy-Out already included
Early Bird Price
Register with $50 down before March 15 at 10PM EST, 2025 to lock in the Early Bird Price
Payment Plans Available
Custom Jersey
Player Pack
You plan to volunteer during the home games and don’t need the “buy out” option
Early Bird + Reuse Items
For returning players. Register before March 15 at 10PM EST, 2025 to lock in this price. Plus $35 discount + $50 discount for reusing your player pack and Jersey from last year.
Payment Plans Available
Reuse Custom Jersey Make sure it fits still!
Reuse Player Pack.
You plan to volunteer during the home games and don’t need the “buy out” option
Registration Process
In order to be fully registered for the 2025 season, the following is needed
- Register Online. This includes setting up your payment plan. The first payment can be as little as $50 to reserve your spot. Full payment is due by June 15, 2025.
- Active on Team Snap – Once you register online, you’ll get an invite via email to Team Snap and can download the app.
- Signed Commitment Letter – Please read it in it’s entirety before signing on paper or online during registration. This reviews expectations for players, parents, coaches, and the team.
- Sports Physical – It is required before they set foot on the field. You can submit this online during registration, to Team Snap at any point, or hand to Team Admin in-person at Spring Training. If the physical expires before the end of the football season, you will need to submit a NEW one that covers the entire season (through December 1, 2025) before the current one expires. CLICK HERE to download the form (most physicians have this in-office too).
GMSAA Certification
Additionally, in July or August, GMSAA will require each player to upload the following documents before your player is certified to play in a game. Documents include:
- Proof of Residency (ie Utility Bill),
- Birth Certificate,
- Signed Concussion Waiver and
- Signed GMSAA Participation Form.
You may gather these documents NOW but do not submit them until it’s time. If a player is returning from last year, GMSAA will likely only need an updated utility bill. Team Managers and Coaches will give you instructions on the GMSAA Certification steps once the certification window opens in the summer.
Registration FAQs:
What it the GAP insurance? Is this required? The GAP insurance option shows up during registration checkout. If you have a high deductible health insurance plan, it may appeal to you to select this option. The option is NOT required and is INDEPENDENT of the EFHS Feeder Football team. The High School also offers this to their players but the teams and their staff/volunteers have nothing to do with this insurance or policy. Any claims will need to be made directly with the Insurance provider. Team Admin and Coaches cannot answer any questions about this optional add-on. Click here to read the fine print on the policy.
What type of payment plans are offered? It depends when you sign up! If you sign up during the Early Bird timeframe the options are as follows: Payment in Full, $50 down plus three monthly payments that follow, $100 down plus two monthly payments that follow, or Two Equal Payments.
What forms of payment do you accept? We accept credit card online (with small fee), bank account online (even smaller fee), cash, or check. If you choose to pay with cash or check, please bring payment to a Team Admin during Spring Practice and make checks out to “EFHS Feeder Football.”
How do I upload a Sports Physical? You may upload one during registration OR after. If you upload it after, please login to TeamSnap.com and click on ROSTER. Then find your player’s NAME on the roster and click on it. Scroll to the bottom to the PLAYER LINKS AND FILES and you may upload the Sports Physical document here. Label it, click private, choose file, and click ADD THIS FILE.